Standard Shipping : 5-7 business days after production time. Each product has its own production time which is provided in the description for the item.
If the customer provides an incorrect address and the item is shipped, we are not responsible for the lost item.
Due to our items being custom-made per your submitted order, all sales are final. In the event an error was made during manufacturing (Incorrect spelling, incorrect item sent, didn't receive full order) please contact us immediately. A refund, will not be processed but I will gladly correct the mistake. However, to be elidable for a replacement you must contact us within 10 days of receiving your items to alert me of the incorrect or damaged item(s). I will ask for images of the items and ask that you return the damaged item(s) to us. Once your damaged item(s) is received I will ship out your replacement(s). If the item(s) is not available, I will offer you an exchange for another TashMade item of equal price value.